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Tips and Tools for Varroa Management

Varroa Mite Treatments 2024

Varroa Mite Treatments for Honey Bees - 2024

Treatment Active Ingredient Method of Use Temperature Range (°F) Honey Supers MSDS
Formic Pro Formic Acid Place strips in the hive 50-85 Can be on MSDS
Apiguard Thymol Apply gel in trays above brood frames 60-105 Must be off MSDS
Apivar Amitraz Place strips in the brood chamber No specific range Must be off MSDS
Oxalic Acid Oxalic Acid Dribble or vaporize inside the hive 37-92 Can be on MSDS
HopGuard III Hops Beta Acids Place strips in the hive No specific range Can be on MSDS
Mite Away Quick Strips (MAQS) Formic Acid Place strips in the hive 50-85 Can be on MSDS
Api-Bioxal Oxalic Acid Vaporize or trickle into the hive No specific range Can be on MSDS
Thymovar Thymol Place strips in the hive 64-95 Must be off MSDS
Apistan Tau-fluvalinate Place strips in the brood chamber No specific range Must be off MSDS
CheckMite+ Coumaphos Place strips in the hive No specific range Must be off MSDS
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